Workshop Terapi Seni Ekspresif Pada Anak Pasien Kanker di Rumah Singgah Ykaki Bandung
Art activities have been proven effective as psychological therapies that stimulate
children imagination in a positive way. A series of expressive art therapy workshops was conductedon children with cancer, who were temporarily stayed at Rumah Singgah YKAKI Bandung. The activities were integrated with fitness, music and dance. The aim was to stimulate the creative expression and spontaneity in children through the interactive and therapeutic art activities. The programwas expected to help reduce stress on children with cancer. Cancer patients were invited to create positive narratives, tell stories and imagine their current whereabouts also created works based on these narratives. At the end, their creative workswere exhibited to public as a form of achievement.
Kegiatan seni terbukti bermanfaat terapi psikologis yang mendorong anak untuk
berimajinasi ke arah yang positif. Sebuah serial workshop terapi seni ekspresif
dilaksanakan kepada anak-anak pasien kanker di rumah singgah YKAKI
Bandung. Kegiatan ini diintegrasikan dengan kegiatan lainnya, seperti olah tubuh, musik dan tari. Tujuannya untuk merangsang spontanitas berekspresi kreatif melalui kegiatan seni yang interaktif dan terapeutik. Program kegiatan seni rupa ini dapat membantu mereduksi stress pada anak pasien kanker. Dalam prosesnya pasien anak kanker diajak menciptakan narasi positif, bercerita dan berimajinasi tentang keberadaan mereka saat ini dan membuat karya berdasarkan narasi tersebut. Pada akhir sessi, karya kreatif mereka dipamerkan kepada publik sebagai wujud dari pencapaian.
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