Manajemen Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Perempuan: Analisis Model CIPP

Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman, Ambar Putri Srihandari


The dominance of men still remains in school management positions even though the phenomenon of the proportion of women achieving leadership roles continues to increase. The aim of this study is to describe women's leadership management by observing women's leadership behavior in schools. This type of qualitative research applies observation, interviews and documentation when providing data. The results showed (1) Planning to improve the quality of education based on the vision, mission, which is arranged accordingly directions from the Head of the West Kutai Regency Education Office; (2) Organizing institutions is carried out responsibly, creating a conducive school climate. (3) Monitoring system for teacher activities, student learning outcomes through academic supervision; (4) The SMPN 4 activity evaluation system involves parents by consensus.

Dominasi laki-laki masih bertahan pada posisi manajemen sekolah meskipun fenomena proporsi perempuan mencapai peran kepemimpinan terus meningkat..Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan manajemen kepemimpinan perempuan dengan mengamati perilaku kepemimpinan perempuan di sekolah. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menerapkan observasi , wawancara dan dokumentasi saat penyediaan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Perencanaan peningkatan mutu pendidikan berdasarkan visi, misi, yang disusun sesuai arahan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kutai barat; (2) Pengorganisasian lembaga dilaksanakan secara tanggung jawab , menciptakan iklim sekolah yang kondusif. (3) Sistem monitoring aktivitas guru , hasil belajar siswa melalui supervisi akademik ; (4) Sistem evaluasi aktivitas SMPN 4 melibatkan orang tua secara mufakat.


Manajemen, Kepemimpinan perempuan, dan Model CIPP

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