The Influence of Good Corporate Governance and Sales Growth Against Financial Distress

Nurharyati Panigoro, Christine Dewi Nainggolan, Arif Hartono, Muhammad Isa Alamsyahbana


The study aims to assess and examine the impact of good corporate governance (GCG) and the growth in sales on financial distress. Financial distress pertains to the potential scenario where a company might face insolvency due to an inability to meet its obligations and generate minimal profits. There is a presumption that both Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and sales growth exert substantial influence on financial distress, particularly as they are connected to effective corporate management practices and the company's capacity to attain profits through sales expansion. The study focuses on entities within the banking sector during the years 2019 to 2020. The sampling approach utilized was non-probability sampling using a purposive sampling technique, involving a total of 29 entities. The data analysis method comprised multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study reveal that both the GCG factors and sales growth significantly influence financial distress, indicating that managerial engagement and sales growth play a crucial role in affecting financial distress.


GCG; Sales Growth; financial distress;

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