Direct Counseling Model with Lectures and Discussions Effectivity In Increasing The Knowledge And Attitudes Of Pregnant Women On Healthy Childbirth

Dodi Suhardiman, Sri Nurhayati


The Human Development Index is affected by one of the success factors, specifically the growth of the Health sector. Preventing maternal and neonatal mortality during and after childbirth is a strategy that supports the development of the health sector. The 2020 maternal mortality rate in West Java Province is estimated to be 85.77 per 100,000 births, which exceeds the goal of 85 per 100,000 births. To reduce maternal mortality during childbirth or postpartum, the Ramasari Village standby village program held an innovative community empowerment program for pregnant women who will give birth, specifically in the third trimester of pregnancy, using a direct counseling model with lectures and discussions on healthy childbirth. Third-trimester expectant women will receive counseling to improve their knowledge and attitudes. This study aimed to ascertain the efficacy of a direct counseling model consisting of lectures and discussions in enhancing the knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women in their third trimester in Ramasari Village regarding healthy childbirth. This research employed a combination of exploratory and qualitative descriptive techniques, including observation diaries and interviews, to examine lecture counseling and discussion. Then, paired sample T-tests were used to ascertain the increase in knowledge and attitudes of third-trimester pregnant women regarding healthy childbirth using pre- and post-tests. There were as many as sixty-five pregnant women in Ramasari Village, accounting for thirty percent of the population of expectant women. With 20 third-trimester expectant women as the sample type. The number of pre-test and post-test scores, individual counseling, lectures, and discussions. As a result of direct counseling with lecture and discussion methods, expectant women in Ramasari Village have greater knowledge and attitudes regarding healthy childbirth, as determined by the study's conclusion.


Healthy Childbirth; Direct Counseling With Lecture and Discussion; Pregnancy;

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