Analisis Keterampilan Bertanya Mahasiswa Saat Presentasi Dalam Kelas

Putri Wahyu Ramadani, Lutfia Putri Wahyuningtyas, Miftakhul Thomas Bachtiar, Rian Damariswara


This study aims to understand students' ability to formulate effective and relevant questions. This study also aims to identify the factors that influence students' ability to ask questions. This research was conducted through the process of observation and through the distribution of questionnaires. The author's target respondents are students of the Nusantara PGRI Kediri University. The method used in this study uses descriptive quantitative methods, by distributing questionnaires through questionnaires using Googleform media in the form of questions regarding students' asking skills during class presentations. Based on the results and discussion of the research, it shows that 61.4% of students are not active in asking questions and 38.6% of students are active in asking questions during presentations. The obstacle faced by students when asking questions is limited knowledge. Students do not have adequate access to learning resources, such as books, journals, or access to the internet. Lack of good language so that students do not have language skills, the basic reason for students is due to a lack of knowledge of Indonesian, the habit of using non-standard language (everyday language).


questioning skills; presentation in class

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