Media Design Of Preparing Young Couples To Get Married

Kenny Louis Ng, Seriwati Ginting


The study have a purpose to give education in order to prepare the young before get married. Through this education they will be led to do a preparation from every aspect so they can be more ready to every consequence that might be happen and be more ready to live and maintain their relationship with a good self-knowledge or the partner. This study using qualitative method with data collection techniques through literature study, interview with family psychologist. Questionnaire targeted at those aged 18 years above and separete into two groups that needs their thoughts and opinion from those who marry young and those who don’t. The Results of the research turn into an useful educational tool for future bride and groom as well as other peoples that want to know things around wedding preparation even for a couples who had married.. Purpose of this study Is to Increase awareness about how Important to prepare marriage for couples in every aspect (Material, psychological, and mental aspect).


E-book; Married; Mental preparation; Young couples

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