Pengolahan Kayu Peti Kemas Sebagai Media Upcycle Produk Lampu Meja

Awang Eka Novia Rizali, Elda Franzia Jasjfi, Ariani Ariani, Erick Teguh Leksono, Putri Anggiena Meryah Cheryna, Vivin Sir Nurgianti


This training program is a Community Service activity carried out by the Faculty of Art and Design Universitas Trisakti for the target community, residents of Asem Baris Gang III, RT 03/RW 03, Kelurahan Kebon Baru, Kecamatan Tebet, South Jakarta. There is a lot of unused container wood waste or often called pallets in that environment. The lack of concern for the utilization of used container wood is a source of creative activities held to reduce the problem of waste accumulation. Waste can be a cause of environmental damage. Creativity development is carried out in the form of upcycled products that utilize used container wood to become table lamp products. The training method is carried out in 3 (three) stages, namely the preparation stage, the training stage, and the evaluation stage. The training was conducted for 10 (ten) participants. The result of the training was 10 (ten) table lamps using used container wood as raw material. Through this training activity, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge and skills and be useful for increasing people’s income.


container wood; recycle; upcycle; product design; table lamp

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