Peningkatan Keterampilan Make Up Karakter Untuk Tata Rias Panggung Remaja Karang Taruna Cikoko Timur RW 02

Menul Teguh Riyanti, Ariani Ariani, Virginia Suryani, Susy Irma Adisurya, Heryani Wahyuningrum


Karang Taruna is one of the social community organizations that serves as a forum and means of developing each of its members. Karang Taruna Cikoko Timur RW 2 in Cikoko Sub-district, Pancoran District, South Jakarta, is a forum for activity and creativity for its members and has various routine activities, one of which is art activities on stage. These art activities include Betawi Kreasi dancing and theater performances. One of the important things to consider in stage performance is stage makeup in various characters. In their on-stage activities, they have been doing their own makeup, or hiring makeup artists for big events. This certainly requires a special budget. To support these activities, the Community Service (PkM) team of the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) Universitas Trisakti provided character make-up training to 13 Karang Taruna members. The training applied the demonstration method by the PkM coordinator, followed by practice by the participants with assistance from the instructor team. From the results of the training, the participants gained skills in 2 types of character make-up, namely 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional make-up.


skill improvement; character make-up; stage make-up; Karang Taruna

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