Pemanfaatan Media Audio Visual “ Cerita Lebah “ Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berhitung Permulaan Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun di TK Nur Adiba Banyuasin

Erna Budiarti, Dewie Hartati Handayani, Ivone Babys, Dian Puspita Tanjung Nurkamisah, Neneng Yuliana, Luluk Romlah


Counting is an important thing in day to day life especially in educational world. Counting needs to be thought to children since young age. So many ways that can be done to stimulate the ability in early stage of counting for children so that they can develop by means of using video as learning medium that in line with the learning theme. The development of technology has reaching the education as learning media. One of the media that can be utilized in order to increase the ability to counting for beginner for children at young age is by audio visual media.the experiment is created to find out the benefit of audio visual media" bee story" can stimulate the ability in counting for beginner on children age 3-4 years old at TK Nur Adiba Banyuasin. This experiment is a qualitative study which focus on finding out more deeper into object and also fenomenon. The data taken through the observation and visual analysis. The main experiment is the children age 3-4 years old at TK Nur Adiba Banyuasin. Based on the analysis result dan explaination can be concluded that the media product audio visual learning " bee story" can be utilized in increasing the ability in counting for beginner in young children. The implication in this experiment is that this media can be as one solution in learning variable matters. Beside that this experiment also explore that the audio visual media that involving student can increase the emotional and social development for Early Childhood.


Audio Visual Media; Ability to count the number; Early Childhood

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