Implementasi channel TV sekolah dalam mengembangkan Literasi Digital Guru PAUD

Siti Rohmah, Sri Watini


With the development of digital technology, it requires PAUD teachers as educators who provide the foundation for early childhood and as one of the determinants of the progress of a nation to have qualified digital literacy, so that they are not eroded by the times and are able to create creative and innovative learning in enhancing development. Children in early childhood education. This research is qualitative descriptive research by collecting data using observation, interviews and also documentation about the implementation of school Tv channels in developing teacher digital literacy at RA Al Fata, Rokan Hulu Regency. This research began when the teacher registered RA Al Fata as one of the schools so that he could implement the school TV channel in his institution, upload the various requirements for becoming a verifier and contributor and socialize it to parents of students to understand what the benefits and purposes of school Tv channels are at the RA Al Fata institution. . Researchers observed and interviewed teachers regarding the increase in their digital literacy after implementing school Tv channels. With various features available on the school Tv Channel, teachers can be creative, select and document, distribute and broadcast their works as the result of innovations and creations that are appropriate, safe and useful for all groups to enjoy, both children and parents. And from this study it can be concluded that the implementation of school Tv channels can increase teachers' digital literacy at RA Al Fata Rokan Hulu developing in the good category and in the future it will certainly be increased again so that it develops very cellblock on “Deep Check Grammar” button to plagiarism and advance grammar detection. Paste your own text here and click the 'Check Text' button. Click on the colored phrases for details on possible errors. Or you can use this example text to see a few of the problems that Grammar Check Tool can detect. What do you think of grammar checkers? Please note that they are not perfect. Style issues get a blue marker: It's 5 P.M.


School Tv channels; digital literacy; PAUD

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