Improving Santri’s Noble Characters Through Qur’an Based Learning Management in Pesantren Jaohar

Ade Jarkasih, Sri Nurhayati


This research aims to describe the management of Qur'an-based learning in Pesantren Jaohar in an effort to improve the noble characters of the students. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The Chairman / Administrator of Pesantren (Kiai), the staff of learning, teachers, and The Students of Pesantren Al-Jaohar Village Sandingtaman Panjalu District Ciamis were the research subjects. Techniques for data collection include interviews, observations, and documentation. Later in the analysis, data is collected using an interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman, which includes stages for data reduction, data visualization, and generating conclusions/verification. The findings indicated that (1) learning management planning begins with the identification of Qur'an-based learning programs, the formulation of syllabuses, and the development of a Learning Program Design (LPD), and (2) implementation of Qur'an-based learning begins with piety activities, core activities, and final activities. Historically utilized techniques of education (wetonan, sorongan, and bedongan). Pesantren education places a premium on Qur'anic and noble character teachings. This construction and supervision are carried out in conjunction with direct examination by Kiai (head of the pesantren) and teachers as an extension of Kiai's hand, ranging from worship to daily affairs of santri (pesantren’s students); (3) evaluation is conducted in a summative and formative manner to measure and map santri's competence. (4) Qur'anic education is effective and has the potential to improve the quality of santri’s noble character. Santri is not only able to read the Qur'an, but they are also prepared and taught how to improve and implement noble characters (adab and akhlaq) correctly, setting an example for the santri’s companions.


Noble Characters; Qur’an-based learning management; Santri

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