The Implementation of Pancasila Values in the Counseling Phase for Narripants in Narcotics Institutions Class III Samarinda

Suryaningsi Suryaningsi, Venna Puspita Sari


This scientific paper aims to identify and describe the values of Pancasila which are still implemented in the guidance phase for prisoners in the Class III Narcotics Penitentiary in Samarinda. Using research methods with this type of qualitative research approach description. The target data were obtained from primary data sources, namely, 9 respondents consisting of the Head of the Institute, Corrections (Kalapas), the Head of the Development Sub-Section, (Head of Development Sub-Section), Development Staff and Prisoners. Secondary data obtained directly, data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained are then collected and reduced, displayed then take conclusion action. The results showed that the values of Pancasila are applied in correctional institutions as a guide in the life of the nation and state. Especially the implementation of the second principle of Pancasila values, namely a just and civilized humanity. Fair and civilized human values are an achievement of the awareness of moral attitudes and human behavior based on individual human potential. As it ensures the stability of the necessities of life, the balance between personal life and life together. The values of tolerance, mutual respect, equality of rights and obligations, and cooperation contained in fair and civilized human values have been implemented even though their application is minimal in the field. It is necessary to increase implementation, especially in terms of carrying out the value of tolerance between religious communities, carrying out humanitarian activities, mutual respect, implementing justice for equality of rights and obligations, and establishing the value of cooperation without any basis for differences.


Correctional Institutions, Guidance,Narcotics, Pancasila Value

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