Exploiting The Reputation Of Influencers And Their Credibility To Their Followers In The Process Of Marketing Services Through Social Media

Hayman Shamsadeen Ali Zakhoy, Farhad Salim Jameel


This study aimed to investigate whether spending on influencer marketing through social media platforms has substantially increased in recent years and how this practice affects customers. Through a proposed "social media influencer value model" accounting for advertising value and source credibility dynamics, an online survey of social media users who followed at least one influencer evaluated the impact of follower trust and perceptions of influencer credibility, attractiveness and similarity on attitudes towards branded influencer content and downstream outcomes like brand awareness and purchase intentions. The popularity of obtaining news and recommendations through influencers - defined as ordinary individuals turned online celebrities via niche content creation around areas like fashion, lifestyle and travel - has surged among young demographics in particular.
Given emerging consumer informational dynamics, understanding how to leverage influencer marketing has become increasingly important for brands according to the conceptual underpinnings of this study. By testing pathways from influencer characteristics to audience trust, branded content resonance and commercial outcomes, the survey aimed to provide enhanced empirical insights into this phenomenon highlighted as transforming contemporary marketing communications.


the reputation of influencers; marketing services; social media

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37905/aksara.10.1.527-542.2024


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