Exploring the New Social Studies Curriculum at the Third Cycle of Basic Education: Interviews with Curriculum Planners in Erbil Sulaymaniyah and Duhok in Iraq

Khalid Ilias Basheer Qolamani, Erol Kaya


This study examines the new social studies curriculum in Iraq's basic education system,
specifically in Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Duhok. The reform, informed by constructivist
learning and critical pedagogy, integrates subjects like history and geography to promote
civic responsibility and global awareness. The study, based on interviews with curriculum
planners, explores the motivations and theoretical underpinnings of this reform. It also
addresses the practical challenges of implementation, such as resource allocation, teacher
training and cultural adaptations. The curriculum aims to foster critical thinking and
inclusivity, balancing global perspectives with local contexts. Challenges highlighted
include financial constraints and logistical issues in dealing with sensitive topics. This
study underscores the importance of continuous improvement, stakeholder collaboration
and adaptive strategies in educational transformation.


Curriculum Reform; Social Studies Curriculum; Curriculum Planners; Educational Transformation and Erbil;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37905/aksara.10.1.495-526.2024


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