Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Canva sebagai Video Pembelajaran untuk mengenalkan Konsep Bilangan Kelompok Usia 4-5 Tahun di TK Ceria Kabupaten Pasuruan

Erna Budiarti, Arini Susanti, Elliza Elliza, Enny Purwanti


This research uses a type of qualitative research in a descriptive form, with data derived from a project of one of the ECCE schools in Pasuruan which focuses on the use of the canva video application as a learning medium in introducing the concept of numbers to children aged 4-5 years. Canva is one of the web-based applications or platforms that can support the creation of digital learning media that is attractive, easy to use and has many templates and designs that can be used by educators according to their needs such as images or learning videos will look like professionally made videos. Every educator can use account to be able to access for free the premium canva for education app. The concept of numbers is a learning material that requires concepts, methods and learning media that are made to be as attractive as possible to be understood by them. By utilizing the canva video application in the form of moving images that are commonly found around them, they will be able to facilitate children aged 4-5 years in understanding the concept of numbers.


Canva App; Learning Videos; The Concept of Numbers; Early;

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