Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching: What We Can Learn From The Teachers and Students

Irmawaty Umar


This study was aimed at (1) finding out the procedures of Task-Based Language Learning implemented in the teaching of English morphology, (2) finding out the students’ response toward the implementation of Task-Based Language Learning in the teaching of English Morphology . (3) finding out the advantages and challenges encountered by the students and lecturers related to the implementation of Task-Based Language Learning in the teaching of English Morphology. The data was collected through conducting the interview in the form of open and structured interview with the three participants of lecturers and five students, doing the observation of the implementation of Task-Based language Learning on the teaching of English Morphology. The result of the research found that the most of the procedures of Task-Based Language Learning have been implemented based on the procedures proposed by expert however there are some sequences of activity do not conducted properly in learning process. The finding in the area of students’ response was revealed that the students have a good involvement during the implementation of Task-Based Language Learning however there are some essential conditions should be improved in order to create an effective learning environment. Based on the finding, the research concluded with a couples of recommendation that teachers need to develop and keep up with teaching-learning development since approaches , methods and techniques for language learning are always develop.The second is that based on the data analysis classroom application is still less from what is supposed to happen in a process-oriented of communicative language class. This is due to the fact that the traditional teaching still seems to be the most influential approach. Thus, integrating traditional approach with task-based instruction could be a worth-considering alternatives.


Task-Based Language Learning (TBL); students response; advantages; challenges; teaching English Morphology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37905/aksara.9.2.1375-1382.2023


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