Aplikasi Bahan Amelioran Pada Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Padi Sawah

Setia Murni Telaumbanua, Firdaus Laia, Yurmanius Waruwu, Aluiwaauri Tafonao, Bestari Laia, Darmawan Harefa


Paddy field intensification programs has been donecontinuously with the excessive use of chemical fertilizers which have an impact on soil damage. Damage to paddy rice soil has a negative effect on the growth of rice plants. Restoration soil can be done with the application of ameliorant material such as humic, silica, and coconut husk ash. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of ameliorant material on growth of rice crops. The experimental design used was a complete factorial randomized design with first factors of humic 0 and 15 L/ha, second factor of silica 0 and 0.85 ton/ha, and the third factor of coconut ash + KCl: 0 ton/ha of coconut husk ash + 0.16 ton/ha KCl, 0.32 ton/ha of coconut husk ash + 0.08 ton/ha KCl, and 0.66 ton/ha of coconut husk + 0 ton/ha KCl. The results showed that the addition of amelioran H1S0A1 (humic substance 15 l/ha+0.32 tons/ha AKS+0.08 tons/ha KCl) had a significantly different effect on plant height, leaf number, weight root, and tends to increase weight canopy, (number of tillers).


Ameliorant Material; Soil Damage; Paddy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37905/aksara.9.2.1361-1368.2023


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