The Effect of Assure Model and Student Learning Strategies Japanese Language and Culture Study Program Unsada on Reading Comprehension Skill (dokkai) at Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 and N4

Zainur Fitri, Bertha Nursari, Ari Artadi, Hari Setiawan


This study aims to find out the problems faced by students in participating in JLPT N4 and N3 in reading sessions (dokkai), the solutions that have been carried out by both students and teachers, a comparison of the learning strategies of students participating in JLPT N4 and N3, the factors that influence the passing of several students in JLPT N4 and N3 as well as the teacher's role in lectures that focus on learning related to the Japanese texts reading comprehension skills in JLPT N4 and N3. The research design used was a quasi-experimental method with the One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. The participants in this study were students in grades II and III for the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Academic Years of The Japanese Language and Culture Study Program, Faculty of Language and Culture, Darma Persada University, total 150 people. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences between student’s reading comprehension skills before and after using ASSURE Learning in JLPT N4 and N3 courses. In The Wilcoxon Test for both student scores in JLPT N3 and JLPT N4 courses, it can be seen that The Aysmp.Sig score obtained from the average between reading comprehension skills before and after giving ASSURE Learning is 0.000 <0.05 at a significance level of 95%. This shows that there was a significant increase between the reading comprehension skills before and after giving ASSURE Learning where for the JLPT N3 course the average ability score before and after giving ASSURE Learning was significantly different, namely ± 12 levels while for JLPT N4 the average reading comprehension skills value before and after giving ASSURE Learning which is quite significant, namely ± 10 levels. In addition to the ASSURE Learning Model, the learning strategies used also influenced the passing of respondents in taking the JLPT N3 and N4 exams, especially in reading comprehension skills (dokkai).


ASSURE; Flipped Classroom; Dokkai; JLPT; reading comprehension skill

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