Ikonisitas Perempuan Cantik pada Iklan Skincare MS Glow sebagai Budaya Populer : Kajian Semiotika

Rina Andriani, Melyawati Melyawati


This research discusses MS Glow (Magic of Skin Glow) beauty products that feature advertisements for beautiful actresses as icons. The iconicity of beautiful women in beauty products seems to give the impression that when they use MS Glow products the presence of the message offered is similar to the icon of the acry, white, smooth, acne-free, and glowing (shining or glowing) skin. The actress who became an icon of MS Glow commercials is Nagita Slavina Mariana Tengker. Women who are connoted as iconistic from MS Glow products. The construction of contemporary Indonesian culture has a different paradigm. Because white skin is smooth, slim, high nose, thick hair, tall body, not an Indonesian woman. This is very different from our cultural origin that Indonesian women are fair-skinned. This study examines the MS Glow Ad photo using Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis of myths (connotations) and Saussure's iconicity. The purpose of this study explains the extent to which iconicity, connotation, and denotation are related to myths in Indonesian culture.


Iconicity; Beautiful Women; MS Glow Ads; Popular Culture

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.37905/aksara.9.2.1083-1092.2023


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