Bakpia: Chinese Culinary In Indonesia

Marcellino Yuwanto, Marcelo Yuta Tantono, Brigitta Jenie, Raka Rasendriya


This study aims to explore the process of making traditional Indonesian food, namely Bakpia. Based on the search, bakpia comes from the Hokkien dialect of Chinese, "bak" which means pork, and "pia" means cake, because of the large number of Muslim communities in Indonesia, pork bakpia is very rare compared to other flavors. which has been adapted to the tastes of the tongue of the Indonesian people. This food is known in the special area of Yogyakarta, and is one of the most sought after souvenirs by tourists. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The conclusion of this research is that the creativity of local flavors is a strength in creating various processed flavors such as cheese-flavored bakpia, chocolate-flavored bakpia, durian-flavored bakpia, etc.


Bakpia; Chinese; Culinary; Food; Taste

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