Implementation of Knowledge Sharing and Pedagogy Genre in Essay Writing Learning

Rina Rosdiana, Stella Talitha, Ruyatul Hilal Mukhtar


The purpose of this research is to obtain an overview of the implementation of knowledge sharing in the pedagogy genre approach in essay writing learning by students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Pakuan University. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. The text written is made based on sharing knowledge in groups of four people and text of an argumentative essay on literati in the form of an argumentative essay and is made independently by students. The result of this study is knowledge sharing among group members on the application of writing essays, namely at the stage of modeling and deconstructing texts, constructing texts in groups as a form of implementation 'tacit knowledge' to externalization 'producing construction products both jointly and independently. As in the concept of pedagogy genre, the text model as an example can be developed in the new writings of the student.


knowledge sharing; pedagogy genre; guided constructing; self-constructing; argumentative essay

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