The Effect of Parenting Patterns and Digital Literacy on The Development of Early Children's Creativity

Supriyadi Supriyadi, Ardit Dewi Juwita


The role of parents in the digital era is demanded to be able to use technology to introduce early literacy in the family that is adjusted to the child's level of development. The research method used in this study is a quantitative research method with a survey approach. The population of this study were all students in the Baamang sub-district, totaling 1148 students. Referring to Isaac Michael's sample table for a population of 1148 with a significance of 10%, a sample of 217 parents of students was obtained. The sampling technique used is random sampling. Research data obtained from valid and reliable instruments. 1) Parenting has a positive effect on Early Childhood Creativity; 2) Digital Literacy has a positive effect on Early Childhood Creativity; 3) Parenting and Digital Literacy together or simultaneously on early childhood creativity; 4) The coefficient of determination of the influence of parenting and digital literacy simultaneously and simultaneously on early childhood creativity is 60.4%


Parenting; Digital Literacy; Early Childhood Creativity

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