Edukasi Dini Kepedulian Orang Tua Terhadap Pendidikan Anak Untuk Menyelesaikan Program Wajar 9 Tahun Di Kecamatan Tolangohula Gorontalo

Halim K. Malik


The results of the Parent Concern for Children's Education Program for Solving 9-Year
Compulsory Education, are: First, parental supervision of children's education is very
low, because it is influenced by the perception that the school is just for teaching reading,
writing and arithmetic. Second, parents do not provide educational facilities at home to
support learning acquired in school. Third, high rates of school dropouts due to the values
embraced by parents who think school is not a guarantee to get a decent job. Fourth, the
factors that influence parents concerns are not responding positively to 9-year compulsory
education program, and the interest and motivation of children would come from the
family itself.


parental care, universal nine years basic education

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