The Snowball Throwing model can improve the ability of students to make speeches in Class IV SDN 3 Tilong Kabila Bone Bolango Regency. This study aims to improve the ability of students to make speeches through the Snowball Throwing Model in Class IV SDN 3 Tilong Kabila Bone Bolango Regency. This type of research uses action classes, by collecting data, tests, observations and documentation. Based on the results of classroom action research that is before conducting research, researchers conducted initial observations by interviewing Class IV teachers that found in the learning process, especially in the speech material, students were still shy in speaking and did not dare to appear in front of the class. the first cycle of action from 21 students 4 students or 19% Able (M), 9 students or 43% Poor (KM), 8 students or 38% Able (TM). Cycle II there are 21 students 17 students or 81% Able (M), 4 students or 19% less able (KM). based on the results of research conducted it can be concluded that through the snowball throwing model can improve the ability of students to make speeches grade IV SDN 3 Tilongkabila Bone Bolango Regency.
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