The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 9
of 2019 in the P2TP2A Institution on the Protection of Women and Children in Bone Bolango
Regency seen from the indicators of (a) Organization, (b) Interpretation/understanding, (c)
Implementation. This research method uses descriptive qualitative, while the data collection
techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The findings of the research
show that the Implementation of P2TP2A Institution Policies in the Protection of Women and
Children from Violence in Bone Bolango Regency is good in terms of organization,
interpretation/understanding, and implementation. In general, it has been implemented but is not
optimal. Judging from the organization, it is in accordance with the procedure, and the
interpretation/understanding has been carried out but it can be said that it is not good because it
has not yet been achieved that many people understand the socialization carried out, human
resources are still lacking, and lack of public awareness. In the application, it has been running
well in accordance with applicable regulations. In an effort to protect women and children, the
community must first know how to protect women and children. Therefore, supervision of the
protection of women and children is needed, as well as an increase in socialization and
interpretation/understanding with the entire community. Socialization can be done either through
advertisements or social media.
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