Windy Indriyani S. Mooduto, Mahludin H. Baruwadi, Ria Indriani


This research affords an analysis to (1) define the mechanism of pinogu coffee supply chain by product, information, and money flows, (2) examine the value-added of pinogu coffee in Bone Bolango, and (3) identify the efficiency of pinogu coffee supply chain in Bone Bolango. This research is made in Bone Bolango using survey and descriptive analysis methods. The results demonstrate (1) a modern mechanism of pinogu coffee supply chain, in which the product flow is based on the availability of pinogu coffee and its derivative products. The information flow is considerable facile, and the money flow is using a cash payment transaction system and a consignment payment system, i.e., selling deposit, (2) the highest value-added, namely IDR138,000/kg, at a ratio of the value-added of 82.14% of the product value, and the profit of IDR137,984.3 at a profit rate of 82.13%, is acquired from the process of processing coffee beans into coffee powder, and (3) the low marketing efficiency values of pinogu coffee powder in Bone Bolango are in Line 1 (12.00%), Line 2 (28.23%), and Line 3 (30.0%). Marketing Line 1 constitutes an efficient marketing line, whereas Lines 2, 3, and 4 are inefficient marketing lines.


Pinogu Coffee; Mechanism; Supply Chain

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