ENHANCING STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN UNDERSTANDING PROCEDURAL TEXTS BASED ON LOCAL CONTENT MATERIALS†A classroom Action Research conducted at the tenth grade Nautika students’ of SMK.P Taruna Bahari,Gorontalo Utara Regency, Academic Year of 2014/2015

Maria Nida Bidja


This study is intended to explain how the implementation of local content materials
in teaching reading procedure text, and to know whether or not the local content
materials enhance the students’ achievement in comprehending reading procedure
text. The subject of this research was the tenth grade of twenty two
Nautika Department students’ of SMK.P Taruna Bahari, Gorontalo Utara Regency,
Academic Year of 2014/2015. The design of this classroom action research is based
on Kemis and Taggert Model with it procedures of stage: planning, acting, observing
and reflecting. Data of this research was collected through observation, field notes
and test. Based on the teachers’ observation data in cycle 1, the mean of the value
are 60% of items are categorized into good items, and 40% are categorized into
enough items, and none (0%) are categorized into very good and lack items. While
in the cycle 2, the mean of the value are 30% of items are categorized into very good
items, and 50% are categorized into good items, and 20% are categorized and lack
items. Local content materials applied in each cycle taken from informant Napu
Arifasno (2008), consist of three tests of procedure text in cycle 1, they are 14% of
students’ achievement in Binthe Biluhuta test, 23% in Corn Pancake (Kokole) test
and 28% of students’ achievement in Illabulo Lo Putunggo test. While in the cycle 2,
consist of two tests, they are 41% of students’ achievement in Popolulu test and
86% students’ achievement in Formula Bubur Jalo (Bubur Dila lo Binthe) test. The
finding of this research reveal that in the first cycle, the mean of the students’ value
is 62,8 and categorized into incompetent. In the second cycle, the mean of the value
was 75,9 with the categorized enough competent and based on the result of the test
from first cycle to second cycle have a progress 45,3% from 41% to 86,3% of
student’s reading comprehension. Based on the result finding, it can be concluded
that the students’ reading’ achievement in comprehending reading procedure text,
increases significantly from cycle 1 to cycle 2.

Keywords: Reading comprehension, Procedure Texts and Local Content


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