Budi Santoso


The objectives of this research are to describe the similarities and the differences,
especially in auxiliary verb forms and to find out its causes. The data of this
qualitative research collected from books, journals and articles. The findings of
this research are related to the English auxiliaries which divided to auxiliary of be,
do, and have and modal auxiliaries those are can, will, may, must, and have to.
There is no similarities in auxiliary between English and Arabic. The differences
are found in the changes of the verb form that equipped with fourteen pronoun.
For example; ana a qro u, anta ta qro u, huwa ya qro u. The Arabic verb form
directly formed in its root in negative, positive, present, past, and perfect. The
underline letters are indicated to the morphological structure of the word.
Compared to English, these changes of verb form of Arabic indicated the
changed of auxiliaries form of English i.e; I am reading a book, you are reading a
book, he is reading a book. The letter a and u in Arabic are not categorized
Arabic auxiliary. Moreover, the underline letter am,are,is and ing in English are
indicated English auxiliaries. The causes of these similarities and differences
because of both languages have different characteristics. This research gives the
contribution for students or teachers in their understanding the similarities and the
differences in auxiliary of both languages and the difficulties in the contrasting
and and The changes of the verb of both languages.
Keywords: contrastive, similarities, differences, auxiliary verb


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