Amelia Mahdali, Dewi W.K. Baderan, Sri Endang Saleh


This research aims to analyze: 1) The correlation between social factors which are domicile and education on household food insecurity experience in Gorontalo, 2) The correlation between demographic factors which are the household members, sex, marital status, and age and household food insecurity experience in Gorontalo, and 3) The correlation between economic factors which are household expenditure on household food insecurity experience in Gorontalo. The method used in this research was descriptive quantitative, and the population was the number of households in Gorontalo. The data collection technique was a probability, bringing about the number of samples of 3,000 households taken from Susenas 2018 data. The data analysis was quantitative through a binary logistic regression analysis using SPSS 23. The research findings indicate seven variables influencing the inclination to household food insecurity experience. The variables were the number of housemaids of 4-6 people (51.8%), marital status with unmarried status (75.95%), sex (86.7%), age of <25 years old (46.7%), education <junior high school (75.95%), rural domiciles (65.58%), and household expenditure <1,000,000 (62.42%). By means of this research, the government is expected to get a new insight and gives more concerns to the areas with food insecurity experience. Besides, the government should make policies which empower households with food insecurity experience.


Demographic Factor, Economic Factor, Food Insecurity, Social Factor

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