This study aims to analyze the sustainability status of the mangrove ecosystem management in the coastal areas of Boalemo Gorontalo. The methods used are surveys and interviews. The data analysis used in this study is Rap-MpForest. There are 11 types of mangrove in Boalemo i.e. Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia alba, Sonneratia casseolaris, Ceriops decandra, Ceriops Tagal, Avicennia Lanata, Xylocarpus granatum, Excoecaria agalocha, and Brugiera Gymnoriza. The sustainability status of the mangrove ecosystem management in Boalemo is based on the attributes of the following dimensions: the ecology dimension with a category of “fairly sustainableâ€, the social dimension with a category of “highly sustainableâ€, the economic dimension with a category of “less sustainableâ€, and the institution dimension with a category of “less sustainableâ€.
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