DEVELOPING SUPPLEMENTARY ENGLISH READING MATERIALS (A Research and Development Conducted at Nursing Department Grade X of SMK Teknologi Muhammadiyah Limboto)

Titin Suhartini Kaaba


The main problem of this research was “how to develop supplementary English reading materials for nursing students’ tenth grade in SMK Teknologi Muhammadiyah Limboto?” The objective was aimed to identify the nursing students’ need and to produce the supplementary English reading materials for the first grade students in nursing department of SMK Teknologi Muhammadiyah Limboto. The subject was the nursing students grade X-1 in 2016/2017 academic year which consists of twenty nine students (2 males and 27 females). This research used R & D (Research and Development) method. The data is gathered from students’ need analysis, analysis of English reading materials grade X in the students’ book of 2013 curriculum, developing supplementary English reading materials for nursing students, expert validation of the supplementary English reading materials, the validation of readiness and usage of instructional materials, and students’ response after used the supplementary English reading materials. The findings showed that more than 40% students are difficult to read the health text and understanding the terms on it. The result of students’ book analysis is none of reading materials available for nursing department, mostly provided General English. To develop the supplementary English reading materials for nursing students, there were five stages need to follow. They are text collection, text selection, revision, trialling, and evaluation. This supplementary English reading material helped the nursing students’ learn English based on their needs.


supplementary material, English for nursing, materials development


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