Dewi Sartika T. Zees, Ishak Isa, Marini Susanti Hamidun


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of adding EM-4 (effective microorganism) to temperature, pH, and methane gas production in the digester/reactor. The method used in this research is the descriptive quantitative experimental. The test is carried out using a simple digester/reactor design to measure temperature, pH, and the production of methane gas by food waste. The measurement results show that the more EM-4 added to the reactor, the faster the gas formation and the longer the gas production process, so that more gas is produced. However, this process does not change the process or stages of biogas formation. There is no change in pH or temperature values. To determine whether the methane gas occurs in the product, a flame test is carried out. Treatment A1 produces a blue and yellow flame, treatment A2 does not produce any flame, treatment B1 and treatment B2 produce a blue flame. The presence of a flame indicates that there is a methane gas content in the gas produced, estimated at 45%. The color of the flame is affected by the level of CO2. Combustion of fuel without CO2 will produce a blue flame, while combustion that produces a reddish yellow flame is caused by the presence of CO2. The absence of flame in treatment A2 indicates that the product gas in the treatment is sparse.


Effective Microorganism; EM-4; Food Waste Management; Household Waste Management

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