The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the effect of transformational leadership on the performance of junior high school teachers in the Kabila Bone Region, Bone Bolango Regency, (2) the effect of work motivation on the performance of junior high school teachers in the Kabila Bone Region, Bone Bolango Regency, (3) The influence of transformational leadership and work motivation simultaneously on the performance of junior high school teachers in the Kabila Bone Region, Bone Bolango Regency. The method used in this research is quantitative with the type of survey research (Survey Research). The population in this study were 118 junior high school teachers in 3 (three) schools in the Bone Bolango region of Gorontalo province, while the sample was 54 teachers. Data were collected through questionnaires and processed using SPSS version 16 with multiple regression testing tools. From the regression equation obtained, it appears that each increase in the score of transformational leadership and work motivation on teacher performance is followed by an increase in teacher performance scores or the higher the transformational leadership and work motivation, the higher the teacher's performance. The results showed that (1) transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on the performance of junior high school teachers in Bone Bolango Regency with a determinant value of 98%. In terms of the coefficient of determination, it can be understood that 98% of the variation in teacher performance can be explained by transformational leadership. Meanwhile, 2% is explained by other factors. (2) work motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of junior high school teachers in Bone Bolango district with a determinant value of 98%. In terms of the coefficient of determination, it can be understood that 98% of the variation in teacher performance can be explained by teacher performance, while 2% is explained by other factors. (3) Taken together, transformational leadership and work motivation correlate with teacher performance and have a correlation coefficient of Ry. 12 = 0.99. The percentage of variation in teacher performance that can be explained jointly by transformational leadership and work motivation is 99%. This result is obtained from the coefficient of determination of multiple correlation (r2) of 0.98. Thus the 2% variation in teacher performance is explained by factors other than transformational leadership and work motivation. Thus the research hypothesis is verified and can be accepted.
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