Henki Warsani


The birth of culture is a form of adaptation and interaction between humans and their surrounding environment. One form of adaptation by the people of Kuantan Singingi to their environment is the emergence of the pacu jalur tradition. Pacu jalur is a race where long boats carrying about 50 rowers compete in a race. The aim of this study is to examine the pacu jalur tradition as a source for geography learning to foster an environmentally conscious character in students. The data collection technique used is literature study by analyzing various sources related to pacu jalur. The research findings show that pacu jalur is a tradition that has been passed down for more than a century. Originally, the jalur was a means of transportation for the people of Kuantan Singingi, but over time, it has evolved into a competition to celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day. The utilization of the pacu jalur tradition as a learning resource can also be part of character education that instills environmental awareness in students. Responsibility toward the environment can be shown by preserving the existence of rivers, which serve as the venue for pacu jalur races. This is because pacu jalur requires river currents as the racing grounds. This highlights that pacu jalur would not be possible if the rivers traditionally used for the race could no longer be used due to various issues faced by the rivers today, such as sedimentation, heavy pollution, and other challenges.


Pacu Jalur; Learning Resources; Environmental Care

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