Jambura Journal of Tropical Livestock Science

Jambura Journal of Tropical Livestock Science contains research articles related to livestock sciences:

  1. Genetics and Breeding
  2. Production and Reproduction
  3. Nutrition and Feed
  4. Agrostology and Agrosilvopastura
  5. Food Technology
  6. Livestock Agroindustry
  7. Socioeconomic and Policy
  8. Livestock Agribusiness
  9. Health and Welfare
  10. Farming System

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 2, No 1 (2024)

Table of Contents


Muhamad Prayoga Azis Umar, Muhammad Mukhtar, Syamsul Bahri, Syahruddin Syahruddin
Nurifan Taib, Syamsul Bahri, Muhammad Mukhtar, Muhammad Sayuti
Riski H. Abu, Syamsul Bahri, Muhammad Mukhtar
Meity Delani Daud, La Ode Sahara, Suparmin Fathan, Muhammad Sayuti