Fadli Kalay, Siswatiana Rahim Taha, Nibras Karnain Laya



The purpose of this study was to determine the phenotypic characteristics of female Bali cattle in Luwuk Timur District. The sampling location was in Luwuk Timur District, Banggai Regency from May to June 2024. The methods used were qualitative and quantitative methods in the form of direct observation and measurement of 50 female Bali cattle. Based on the results of the study, female Bali cattle have a prominent brick red color, namely 15, brown fur 11, dark brown 14, light brown 10. Female Bali cattle have 3 horn shapes, namely 19 curved upwards, 27 curved backwards, 4 curved downwards. The shape of the ears of female Bali cattle is upright, 50. The tail color is black, 50. And the eel line is thick, 31, thin 19. It was concluded that the body color tends to be brick red with a percentage of 30%, the shape of the horns mostly curves backwards 54%, the shape of the cow's ears is dominated by erect ears 100%, the universal tail color is black 100%, finally the eel line shows a thick line covering 62%.

Keywoards : Characteristics, Female Bali Cows



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik fenotip sapi Bali betina di Kecamatan Luwuk Timur. Tempat pengambilan sampel di kecamatan luwuk timur, kabupaten banggai dari bulan mei sampai bulan juni 2024. Metode yang di gunakan adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif berupa pengamatan dan pengukuran langsung pada sapi bali betina sebanyak 50 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sapi bali betina memiliki warna merah bata yang menonjol yaitu 15 ekor, bulu coklat 11 ekor, Coklat tua 14 ekor, coklat terang 10 ekor. Sapi bali betina memiliki 3 bentuk tanduk yaitu melengkung ke atas 19 ekor, melengkung kebelakang 27 ekor, melengkung kebawah 4 ekor. Bentuk telinga sapi bali betina yaitu tegak sebanyak 50 ekor. Warna ekor yaitu hitam sebanyak 50 ekor. Serta garis belut yaitu tebal 31 ekor, tipis 19 ekor. Disimpulkan bahwa warna tubuh cenderung merah bata persentase sebesar 30%, bentuk tanduk mayoritas melengkung kebelakang 54%, bentuk telinga sapi di dominasi telinga tegak 100%, warna ekor universal berwarna hitam 100%, terakhir garis belut menunjukan garis yang tebal mencakup 62%.

Kata Kunci : Karakteristik, Sapi Bali Betina

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