BUILDING STUDENTS’ CHARACTER BY USING SONG AS AMEDIA IN EFL CLASS This research is conducted at the 1st Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tilamuta academic year 2014/2015 Boalemo Regency

Wilson Mkaum


This research describes the implementation of songs related to the English
Materials Curriculum 2013 in Building Students’ Character in Junior High School. I
focused on Students’ Character Building with implementing songs related to the
English material in curriculum 2013. The objectives of study are; (1) to describe the
characters can be built through the song related to the English materials that have
been implemented in curriculum 2013. (2) To identify the most dominant character
by teaching song related to the material in curriculum 2013. (3) To identify
teacher’s problem and challenges in building students’ character through the song.
This research used qualitative method. The data was gathered from observation by
teaching process in the class, and the result of interview with the participants who
have been observed. The subject of this research was the first grade students of
SMP Negeri 1 Tilamuta registered 2014/2015. The total of the students in this class
are 20 students, from those students there were five students who has been
observed. From findings, it shows that in teaching songs had the characters that
have already been determined in curriculum 2013. Songs are chosen related to the
English material in building students’ character, and the materials are based on two
sources, the first is by Fathurrohman and suryana (2013), they have illustrated the
values of Character Education which are implemented in curriculum 2013 and the
second one is based on Direktorat Pembinaan SMP (2013), it has illustrated the
indicators of values Character Education which are also implemented in curriculum
2013. Meanwhile teaching song can build students’ characters, it is also had the
dominant character and there are also problem and challenges have found in
teaching song. In addition the character that occurred in the class can be giving
influence their behavior in daily life especially in school environment.

Key words: Songs, English Material, Curriculum 2013, Character Education.


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