Vebiyanti Nasir


The result of the research found that the lecturer’s obstacles in teaching listening
were in four factors. The first was students factors: the students’ lack in vocabularies
and grammar, and the students’ low motivation in learning listening. The second was
speakers factor: the speakers’ accent especially the native speakers’ accent in
conversation make the students difficult and can not catched the uttarances by the
speakers because they speak too fast. The third was teaching methods factors: the
lecturer used inappropriate material for the college students. The fourth was
classroom fasilities: unreadiness of listening material books, unreadiness of
language laboratory and unreadiness of listening module for the students.
Furthermore, the strategies used by the lecturer in overcoming the obstacles
consisted of predicting strategy to overcome the students’ low motivation.
Monitoring, evaluating and clarifying strategy to solve the obstacle with students’
lack in grammar and vocabularies. Responding and monitoring strategy to overcome
the problem about the speakers. The lecturer used material based on students’ level
to solve the teaching method problem about in appropriate listening materials for
college students. The lecturer used material from another resources to taught the
students, the using of language laboratory from other school for teaching listening
and gave materials for the students to independent study to overcome the
unreadiness of listening module. In addition, the result of the research also found
that the students’ motivation in learning listening were in moderate level and the
students’ attitude toward learning listening were in high positive attitude.
Keywords: obstacles, strategies, listening, motivation, attitude


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