Atrila Latinulu, Ramli Utina, Hasim Hasim


This study aims to analyze the condition of the coral reef ecosystem in Bintalahe Beach Bone Bolango. This was carried out on November 7th and 10th-12th, 2020 in Bintalahe Beach. Meanwhile, the analysis is conducted in Laboratorium Perikanan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The method used is descriptive. Results demonstrate that coral growth in Station 1 is fair at 69%, in Station 2 at the 3-meter depth is fair at 39.2%, in Station 2 at the 5-meter depth is good at 55.76%, and in Station 3 is fair at 44.8%. Moreover, the abundance of coral fish is low, i.e., 1143 ind/ha in Station 1, 1637 ind/ha in Station 2 at the 3-meter depth, 2182 ind/ha in Station 2 at the 5-meter depth, and 1802 ind/ha in Station 3. The diversity index is 1.729 in Station 1, 2.1089 in Station 2 at the 3-meter depth, 1.5898 in Station 2 at the 5-meter depth, and 1.6187 in Station 3. The plankton dominance index is 0.067 in Station 1, 0.081 in Station 2 at the 3-meter depth, 0.048 in Station 2 at the 5-meter depth, and 0.065 in Station 3. The water quality parameters measured in this study are considered suitable for coral reefs and other biotas to grow.


Descriptive Study, Coral Reef Ecosystem, Water Environment

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