This study affords an analysis of (1) the trend of the horticultural crop yields per unit area in Boalemo, (2) the territorial superiority bred by horticultural crop commodities in Boalemo, and (3) the development of horticultural farmer welfare rate in Boalemo. This is a quantitative study using secondary data, collected from the official website of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and primary data, collected through interviews. Data analyses deployed here are the trend analysis, LQ analysis, LQShare-LQShift analysis, and NTP analysis. Results demonstrate that (1) the horticultural plant ‘vegetable’ was inclined to exhibit a positive growth or trend but a consistent decreasing trend in the last two years. In other words, the productivity of the agricultural sector, especially horticulture, in Boalemo starts declining, (2) spinach, large chili, cayenne pepper, Chinese cabbage, and tomato commodities have a Location Quotient (LQ) above 1 and hence belong to the base category. Meanwhile, based on the LQShare and LQShift analysis, four commodities, i.e., spinach, large chilies, Chinese cabbages, and tomatoes, belong to the progressive category. Moreover, four commodities, namely onions, long beans, cucumbers, and eggplants, which are developing sectors, and one commodity, which is cayenne pepper, belong to the unprogressive category, and (3) in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, the horticultural farmer exchange rate (NTP) was 144.259%, 143.955%, 154.503%, and 154.151%, respectively. The NTP indicates that there is a surplus in farming carried out. However, if we include the living cost spent by farmers during farming (waiting for the harvesting time) in the cost element of NTP, the NTP will decrease or even experienced a deficit in 2016 and 2017.
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