Yuni Hagu, Azis Salam, Rahim Husain


This research aims to analyze the age, education, number of dependent family members, asset, machine capacity, and working time factors which affect fisher household income and examine the number of dependent family members, education, age, asset, and selling price factors which affect fisher household expenditure. Data were analyzed descriptively using a linear regression analysis approach and a correlation test. The research population was 1,221 heads of the family. Sampling was conducted using Slovin’s formula at a trust level of 15%, bringing about 100 respondents. The research findings indicate that factors had a significant impact on fishers’ household income, statistically speaking, were education and working time. Elevated, the factors would increase the fisher household. The factor with a significant impact on fisher household expenditure was the catch selling price. A significant increase in a selling price indicated a high fisher income and hence an increase in expenditure. Using a diversification policy strategy, we formulated policy interventions in regard to fisher household economic behaviors in Gorontalo City, namely 1) Several programs and activities contributing to the social and economic welfare of the coastal community in Gorontalo City, 2) Profession-based entrepreneurship training for the coastal community, 3) Family Planning socialization focused on restricting the number of family members and providing education regarding household economic activity patterns, and 4) for stakeholders, bringing about alternative livelihoods other than fishery sectors and thereby encouraging fishers to be more productive and elevating their welfare.


Economic Behavior, Fisher Household Expenditure, Fisher Household Income

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