This research aims to (1) identify the factors of female fishers’ participation in the seaweed farming business development in Gorontalo Utara and (2) analyze how skills, work ethics and culture, and institutional supports impact the seaweed business development in Gorontalo Utara. This research was conducted in Anggrek and Ponelo Kepulauan Gorontalo Utara in August-September 2019. The data sources were both primary and secondary data and the sample comprised 39 seaweed farmers. The research findings indicate that female fishers’ participation in the seaweed business development in Gorontalo Utara was dynamic. Their participation was much determined by the development in these domains, namely working skills, work ethics and culture, and institutions that sustained seaweed business productivity. Furthermore, building upon the double linear regression statistic test, we concluded that skills could explain the degree of female fishers’ participation in seaweed business in Gorontalo Utara, work ethics and culture, and institutions by 59.4%. Meanwhile, the rest, 40.6%, was explained by other factors outside the model. However, in partial, the institution factor did not significantly affect the degree of female fishers’ participation in seaweed business.
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