Erga Kurniawati, Thayban Thayban, Najmah Najmah
This study aims to determine student learning outcomes in the nomenclature of chemical compounds that are taught using the Teams Games Tournament (TGT) learning model equipped with name cards as media. The learning outcomes measured were cognitive aspects, affective aspects, and psychomotor aspects. The research design used Quasi-Experimental Design with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The sample in this study amounted to 53 students consisting of 27 students in the experimental class and 26 students in the control class. The experimental class uses the TGT learning model with the help of name cards, while the control class uses a conventional learning model. The results of the test validity test showed that 15 questions were valid and the test reliability results were in the high category, which is 0.92. The results of hypothesis testing using a t-test with separated variants. The results show that at a significant level of 0.05 with dk = 51 obtained t count ( 4.01 ) > t table ( 1.67 ), then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that there is an influence of the TGT learning model equipped with name cards media on student learning outcomes. In the cognitive aspect, the average value of the experimental class is 90.46 and the control class is 80.03. The results of the affective aspect of the two classes were categorized as good, the average of the experimental class was 82.2% while the control class was 73.8%. In the psychomotor aspect of the two classes categorized as skilled, the average psychomotor aspect between the experimental class is 81.9% and the control class is 69.2%.
Teams Games Tournament; Name Cards; Compound Nomenclature
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