OVERCOMING STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN SPEAKING ENGLISH BY USING MOBILE PHONEâ€. (An Experiment Research On The Viith Grade Students Of Smp Negeri 3 Anggrek)
This study aims investigating whether there is influence of model of teaching and anxiety towards students‟ speaking ability. This study is an experimental study which conducted on the seventh-grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Anggrek focused on two classes. One class as the treatment class consists of 20 students and one class as the control class consists of 20 students. They were selected by purposive sampling. The method used in this research was experimental method, and the data was collected through questionnaire of foreign language anxiety classroom scale and oral test for speaking ability. The design used in this research is factorial design 2 x2 by using ANOVA.
The result of this study has shown: (1) The score learning achievement in speaking English who were taught by using mobile phone application was higher than the students’ who were taught by using conventional teaching. It means that students‟ speaking ability through “mobile phone†application gave the better influence towards students‟ speaking ability than through conventional teaching;(2) The learning achievement of the students with high anxiety in speaking English who were taught by using mobile phone application on high anxiety was higher than the students’ anxiety in speaking English who were taught by conventional teaching;(3) The learning achievement in speaking English who were taught by using mobile phone application on low anxiety was higher than the students’ anxiety in speaking English who were taught by conventional teaching;(4) there is an interaction between model of teaching and anxiety toward students’ anxiety in speaking English. The applying the suitable model of teaching by seeing students anxiety gave the significant influence towards students‟ speaking ability.Keywords
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