This research is aimed at analyzing (1) the marketing system of the products of corn at UMKM Kinamang in Helumo Suwawa Bone Bolango, (2) the value-added of the products of corn at UMKM Kinamang in Helumo Suwawa Bone Bolango, and (3) factors affecting the production of the products of corn at UMKM Kinamang in Helumo Suwawa Bone Bolango. This is quantitative research which uses primary data collected through interviews and observation sheets. The data analyses are marketing, value-added, and double regression using the Cobb Douglas approach. The results demonstrate that (1) The marketing system for the products of corn at UMKM Kimamang in Helumo Suwawa Bone Bolango is good. UMKM Kinamang has an efficient marketing channel and a small marketing margin. This attests to that it can afford interventions to the marketing system, either in a direct or indirect manner (hiring resellers). Corn stick products come with a higher marketing margin and as regards the efficiency of the marketing channel, are more efficient than biji ketapang products, (2) the products of corn (corn sticks) have a mean value-added of 66.31%. That is, in a competitive manner, these products are contributing to the business sustainability and economic value-added at UMKM Kinamang in Helumo Suwawa Bone Bolango, and (3) both partially and simultaneously, manufacturing overhead costs and direct material costs have a significant effect on the dependent variable the production of the products of corn at UMKM Kinamang in Helumo Suwawa Bone Bolango. It is still possible to augment labor costs and direct material costs but manufacturing overhead costs are considered inefficient, and thereby needing minimization for bettering the cost of goods manufactured level.
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