Nur Imam Mohamad, Supriyo Imran, Syamsul Bahri


This study aims to analyze: 1) optimal farming production on the integration system of corn, lowland rice, and beef cattle in Bone Bolango Regency, 2) determine the allocation of resources in optimal farming production system integration of corn, lowland rice and beef cattle in Bone Regency Bolango. The research method used is a survey method based on primary data and secondary data. The sample collection technique was carried out to all farmers who applied the integration system of food crops (rice-corn) and beef cattle, totaling 5 people. Analysis of the data used is linear program analysis. The results of the study stated that the optimal farm production at the farmer and regional level shows the optimal solution for farming lowland rice, corn, and beef cattle. The allocation of resources in optimal farm production at the farmer level, labor and land in lowland rice and corn farming has excess capacity or resources that are not scarce, namely 256.65 HOK and 0.3 Ha, in contrast to the allocation of factor input resources in lowland rice and corn farming where the allocation of the resources used are quite optimal because the resources they have are used up for farming activities. Resource allocation for optimal farming production at the regional level. Where the workforce has an excess capacity of 256.7 HOK, the capacity to accommodate livestock and land in lowland rice and corn farming, the allocation of resources used is quite optimal because the available resources are used up for farming activities.


Optimization; Farming; Integration

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