
The purpose of this research to obtain the image and the data about management
of junior high school one roof, pertaining to the support policy, resources owned,
the process of commencement and performance/ achievement attained junior high
school one roof in district pohuwato. This research is carried out on 18 junior high
school one roof on district Pohuwato. The subject of this research is head of
service education culture province Gorontalo Pohuwato, the head of the field of
education basic, regents junior high school, he head of the branch of service, give
curriculum education basic, the head of junior high school and the teacher’s of
junior high school one roof. The benefits this research is give outlined as well as
data about support policy, resources owned, the process of commencement and
performance/ achievement attained on the management of junior high school one
roof in district Pohuwato. The research of this evaluation using evaluation models
CIPP ( Context, Input, Process and Product). The result of the evaluation show that
support policy on the management of junior high school one roof in the category of
very good. The result of the evaluation against resources owned by junior high
school one roof in category of enough. While the result of the evaluation process
commencement in category of good, and the result of the evaluation performance/
achievement attained in category of good.

Keyword : The management, junior high school, one roof


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