Wiranto Idris, Syarifuddin Ahmad, Mery Balango


The objectives of this study are: (1) to improve students’ critical thinking by using Problem-Based learning method in speaking skill in Eleventh Grade in SMK Negeri 4 Gorontalo. (2) to find out the students’ responses after the implementation of Problem-Based learning method. They type of this study is experimental teaching by Cresswell (2014). The subjects of the research were Eleventh Grade students. This study involved 20 students of accountant class. The instruments of the study were observation, questionnaires, documentations, tests and rubric. the result of the study showed that there was a significant difference between the score of pre-test and post-test. The score of ttable in significant level of 0.05 where 12.77 > 1.73 that indicates (Ha) was accepted and (H0) was rejected. Furthermore, this research showed the correlation between students’ critical thinking and their speaking skill. It can be seen that the rvalue (0.775) was at the level of “high†correlation. It can be concluded that the correlation between the students’ critical thinking and speaking skills of the sample class was in high correlation. The scores form t-test and t-table were compared. The t-table at the df = 18 in the level of significance (α=0.05) was 1.73. Therefore, it can be seen that tvalue > ttable (5.203 > 1,73). The score of ttable in significant level of 0.05 where 5.203 > 1.73. As a result, the Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. In this case that variable X (students’ critical thinking) have high relationship or gave influence on students’ speaking skill.

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