This research is motivated by the condition of street vendors in Gorontalo Province Vocational School who often commit various violations of the integrity character values in the implementation of street vendors in industrial locations.The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) To find out the extent of strengthening the value of the character of "Integrity" PKL students in NKPI Expertise Competencies in SMK Gorontalo province, (2) To find out the factors that hinder the strengthening of the "Integrity" character value of PKL students in NKPI Expertise Competency in Gorontalo Province Vocational School, (3) To find out efforts to strengthen the value of "Integrity" character of street vendors students in NKPI Expertise Competency in Gorontalo Province Vocational School.The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Sources of data in this study are primary data sources and secondary data. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation.The findings of the research are first, before students conduct street vendors activities, the inculcation of character values must be done from the beginning, so that these values can be applied by students in the implementation of street vendors and in the workforce after graduation. Second, the factors that hinder the strengthening of character values include character education not instilled early in the family, not yet optimal implementation of character values in the educational environment and the low soft skills of vocational students. Third, efforts to strengthen character values carried out include conducting various programs to increase character values and habituation in the context of strengthening the character values themselves.The conclusions of this study are (1) Strengthening the character value of "integrity" of street vendors students in the NKPI Expertise Competency in Gorontalo Province Vocational Schools should be the main orientation and priority of schools (2) in carrying out the process of strengthening character values found several inhibiting factors (3) strengthening efforts Character values conducted by schools are through the implementation of various models and methods related to strengthening the character values of vocational students.
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