Fatmawati Djalil, Sukarman Kamuli, Udin Hamim


The research aimed to 1) find out deviant behavior of visitors at tangga 2000 tourism object in Gorontalo city, 2) Find out factors engendering emergence of devian behavior at visitors tangga 2000 tourism object in Gorontalo city, and 3) Find out effort of govemment in tackling deviant behavior of visitors at tangga 2000 tourism object in Gorontalo city. The research applied a qualitative method with a case study model. The data were collocted by observation, interview, and observation. The main informants were visitors who did the deviant behavior and Staff of Tourism Agency of Gorontalo city. Meanwhile, the supporting informants were vendors in tangga 2000, visitors, and local society. The technique of checking data validity used triangulation. The data analysis encompassed data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The research findings showed that there where several types of. 1) deviant behavior like alcoholism, pre-marital sex, and criminal action as well as crime occurred in Tangga 2000 tourism object, 2) factors engendering emergence of deviant behavior in tangga 2000 tourism object was the location could not be closed due to situated on the edge of road which connecting Gorontalo City with Batudaa Pantai sub-district there were no staff who guarded the location and no routine inspection to visitors by tourism agency and civil service policy in the nights. In addition, the facility and infrastructure in Tangga 2000 were not adequate, lots of facilities provided have been broken such as lighting, seats and floors, 3) the effort of government in tackling deviant behavior in Tangga 2000 was by doing an inspection to visitors in the night particularly on Thursday and Saturday nights. In addition. This schedule was set due to the visitors of tangga 2000 increased compared to other nights. Also, it was through gradual procurement of facility and infrastructure in tangga 200 tourism object.


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